Objectives of the UASCET activities:
- To inform civil engineers and technicians about current issues of the profession, latest knowledge and achievements in the field of civil engineering in the broadest sense,
- To encourage civil engineers and technicians to take an active part in raising awareness about the profession in their associations and to spread the need for mutual professional cooperation in solving professional problems at the local level
- To inform the public authorities about the views of the civil engineering profession on how to solve problems in the profession and how to represent the interests of the profession,
- To represent civil engineering in Slovenia and abroad,
- To develop contacts with similar organisations in Slovenia and abroad.
To achieve the objectives, UASCET performs the following tasks:
- It promotes the establishment of associations in individual regions of Slovenia and harmonises the interests of its members;
- It cooperates in the preparation and elaboration of technical legislation, regulations and standards,
- It coordinates the internal affairs of the profession through cooperation with the Slovenian Chamber of Commerce, the Slovenian Chamber of Engineers, the Slovenian Association of Engineers and the relevant ministries in the procedures for adopting professional guidelines, positions and decisions,
- Through various activities it promotes and develops the creative initiative of professional workers in the Slovenian construction industry,
- It provides continuous professional development of civil engineers and technicians, mainly by publishing the professional and scientific journal „Gradbeni vestnik” (Civil Engineering Gazette) and other professional and popular-scientific literature, as well as by organising professional seminars, lectures and professional field trips,
- Through its website it informs the public about its activities.