Instructions TO Authors
The editorial board accepts for publication scientific and professional articles in the field of civil engineering and other contributions that are important and interesting for the construction industry.
Prior to publication, scientific and professional articles are reviewed by at least one anonymous reviewer appointed by the Editor-in-Chief.
Articles (except English summary) and papers must be written in Slovenian.
The text must be written in 12-point font and double-spaced.
Articles must contain the title, the first and last names of the authors with their titles and text.
Articles must contain: title of the article in Slovenian (capital letters); title of the article in English (capital letters); for each author: author’s scientific title, first and last name, professional title, postal address and e-mail address; indication whether the article is professional or scientific; title POVZETEK and summary in Slovenian; keywords in Slovenian; title SUMMARY and summary in English; keywords in English; title UVOD and introductory text; title of the next chapter (capital letters) and chapter text; section title and section text (optional); … title SKLEP and conclusion text; title ZAHVALA and acknowledgment text (optional); title LITERATURA and literature list, title DODATEK and appendix text (optional). If there are multiple appendices, they are also to be labelled A, B, C, etc.
Chapters and sections may be numbered. Chapters are numbered without endpoints. For example: 1 INTRODUCTION; 2 MOTORWAY SECTION CONSTRUCTION; 2.1 Motorway section … 3 …; 3.1 …, etc.
Figures (drawings and photographs in appropriate resolution) and tables must be arranged in the text of the article in the correct order, referenced, numbered and have captions explaining their content.
Equations must be marked in the right margin with a sequence number in parentheses.
A comma must be used as decimal separator.
Works used and cited must be listed in the text of the article as citations in square brackets: [surname of first author or abbreviation of document or abbreviation of institution, year of publication]. Works published by the same author or institution in the same year must also be indicated by a, b, c, etc. If several works are cited at one point in the text, the citations are placed in brackets and separated by comma.
In the chapter LITERATURA, the works used and cited are arranged in alphabetical order of the surnames of the first authors or the abbreviations of documents or abbreviations of institutions and described with the following information: surname or abbreviation of document or abbreviation of institution, initials of the first author’s name or title of document, or title of institution, surnames and initials of other authors’ names, title of work, type of publication, year of publication.
The type of publication is described with the following information: books: publisher; journals: name of journal, publisher, volume, number, pages from-to; proceedings: title of event, organiser, place and date of event, pages from-to; research reports: type of report, client, contract code; for other types of sources: a brief description, e.g., in a private conversation.
Articles should be sent electronically in MS WORD format to the Editor-in-Chief to his e-mail address: In the message, the author must indicate what he/she considers to be the content of the article (predominantly scientific, predominantly professional) or for which section the article should be appropriate.
The entire content of each issue of Gradbeni vestnik in digital form is available to all readers free of charge on the publisher’s website immediately after its publication. In the digital archive of Gradbeni vestnik, all issues of the journal published since 1951 are available to readers free of charge.