The Union of Associations of Slovenian Civil Engineers and Technicians (UASCET) was founded in February 1951 under the original name Association of Civil Engineers and Technicians of the People’s Republic of Slovenia. It has been active ever since. Throughout this time it has been publishing its professional journal Gradbeni vestnik (“Civil Engineering Gazette”), which is the only Slovenian professional and scientific journal that informs the Slovenian and international professional public about the achievements in all fields of construction and building materials.
Today, UASCET brings together not only individual members but also 4 regional associations of civil engineers and technicians and 5 professional associations.
a) Regional associations:
- Association of Civil Engineers and Technicians Maribor
- Association of Civil Engineers and Technicians Velenje
- Association of Civil Engineers and Technicians Celje
- Association of Civil Engineers and Technicians Novo mesto
b.) Professional associations:
- Slovenian Association for Water Protection
- Slovenian Geotechnical Association
- Slovenian Association of Structural Engineers
- Slovenian National Committee on Large Dams
- Slovenian Association for Earthquake Engineering
The associations work as independent legal entities in their own local area and within their professional fields. Their membership in UASCET is voluntary. In this way they can realise their common professional and technical interests.
Status of the Union,
working in the public interest:
On 25 May 2006, the Ministry for Higher Education, Science and Technology of the Republic of Slovenia adopted Resolution No. 0142-88/2006/4, granting the Union of Associations of Slovenian Civil Engineers and Technicians (UASCET) the status of an association working in the public interest in the area of research. UASCET was registered as an association, whose purpose and activities go beyond the realisation of the interests of its members and which is therefore of public benefit. UASCET fulfils the conditions for obtaining the status of an association working in the public interest in the area of research mainly through its publication activity and by offering seminars that promote and realise the intentions or activities according to the national research programme.