Zveza društev gradbenih inženirjev in tehnikov Slovenije (ZDGITS) (Union of Slovenian Associations of Civil Engineers and Technicians – UASCET), Karlovška cesta 3, 1000 LJUBLJANA, telephone 01 52 40 200, e-mail:,  in cooperation with the Main Section of Civil Engineers at the Slovenian Chamber of Engineers (MSG IZS), with the support of the Slovenian Research Agency, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering at the University of Ljubljana (FGG), Faculty of Civil Engineering, Traffic Engineering and Architecture at the University of Maribor (FGPA) and Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute (ZAG).

Publishing Council:
UASCET: Prof. Matjaž Mikoš, PhD, President
Assoc. Prof. Andrej Kryžanowski, PhD
Dušan Jukić
MSG IZS: Mojca Ravnikar Turk, MSc
Jernej Nučič, MSc
Gregor Ficko, MSc
FGG Ljubljana: Assist. Prof. Matija Gams, PhD
FGPA Maribor: Prof. Miroslav Premrov, PhD
ZAG: Assist. Prof. Aleš Žnidarič, PhD

Editorial Board:
Editor-in-Chief: Assoc. Prof.  Sebastjan Bratina, PhD
Member: Assist. Prof. Milan Kuhta, PhD

Jan Grabnar

Proofreader of English abstracts:
Romana Hudin

Eva Okorn

Agencija GIG

Technical editing, page editing and print:
Tiskarna Kočevski tisk d.o.o.

Number of copies:
450 printed copies
3000 subscribers to electronic version

Data on publications in the journal are available in the bibliographic databases COBISS and ICONDA (The Int. Construction Database) and at

Annual Subscription
12 issues of the journal is published in a year. The annual subscription for individual subscribers 23,16 EUR; for students and pensioners 9,27 EUR; for companies, institutions and self-employed persons 171,36 EUR; for subscribers from abroad 80.00 EUR. The price is VAT included.

Transaction Bank account of UASCET at NLB Ljubljana:
SI56 0201 7001 5398 955